Saturday 2 January 2016

{ 2016 Year of Monkey Calendar Postcard + Midori Passport Freebie Download }

{ 2016 Year of Monkey Calendar Postcard + Midori Passport Freebie Download }
Happy New Year! Hope you all have a great time ~ :D
I just made a 2016 calendar as a postcard and as a Midori Passport calendar. I'm going to send the postcard to my family and the other one for Postcrossing. Then laminate the passport size one and use it as a pencil board in my Traveller's Notebook.
Download {here}.
Print on A4 paper with 0 margin and no need to resale. Non-commercial use Only! Enjoy :)
{ 2016猴年月曆明信片+旅人手帳Passport月曆下載 }
2016 新年快樂! :D
用A4紙印, "0"頁邊距,無需scale大小。僅供個人使用!Enjoy!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

{ Freebie ~ Traveler's Notebook Passport Weekly Template 旅人手帳1週2頁}

I have used my Tramdori (Midori Traveler's Notebook Tramsway Edition) for a while now really like this weekly format. I have 8 weeks + my Muji monthly b7 planner + Midori kitty pocket monthly planner for sketchbox art journal + a ring notebook in my Traveler's Notebook right now. Will post more photos later.
My week on 2 pages format: my Weekly list at the top left. Space for my Grateful journal right under the date. Daily list in the middle. Chores and Money in the 2 boxes on the right.
Made a weekly template for 2016. (I used to draw the grids in a Muji dotted notebook.)
Uploaded the weekly template for anyone interested. Click {HERE}. 2 weeks on 1 page, print on A4 paper, no need to re-scale. Cut along the crop marks. Just in case, print 1 copy first to make sure it is the right size for your traveler's notebbok. For non-commercial use only! Happy Holidays and Enjoy! :)

我用Tramdori(旅人手帳~香港Tramsway版)一段時間 ,很喜歡這個1週2頁的格式。手帳內我只放8週+月記事用無印2016 B7 +繪日記用 Midori喵喵pocket月記事+活頁筆記本。下一次再看。
1週2頁的格式: 在每週左上角有Weekly List,日期下的空間寫我的感恩日記,中間做Daily List,右側1個做Chores,1個做$$$收入和支出。 為2016年做了一個1週2頁的template 。(之前我用無印點點筆記本來DIY,太花時間-_-;)
上傳這個1週2頁的,有興趣的人按 {HERE}。 印在A4紙上,沒必要rescale,沿著裁切線切割。只用於非商業用途!節日快樂! :)

Saturday 2 May 2015

Weekly Art Journal ~ Apr 20 - 26, 2015

Weekly Art Journal ~ Apr 20 - 26, 2015
My attempt to do some sort of Steampunk theme drawings. Plus I learnt how to paint gold with watercolor.
I finally got my Noodler's Ahab fountain pen! (The actual pen in the first photo and the drawing I did of it at the second last photo.) Going to do a comparison of it with my other pens later on. Then I also got a mini black leather(?) planner, very poor quality so had to use masking tape to "seal off" the edge of the inside pockets since the leather is falling off! :( I'm not going to use my Midori Tramsway Hong Kong Edition since I have other plan for it. + I need a small, fit-in-my-pocket type planner + it is all I can afford. So I will stick with it and make the best of it. Will post photos of it too later on.
Click photos to enlarge. Enjoy!

Weekly Art Journal ~ April 13 - 19, 2015

Weekly Art Journal ~ April 13 - 19, 2015
I made a Midori size sketchbook for my Meowdori, I named my leather notebook "Meowdori" since I love cats! I usually mark down the dates at the beginning with my weekly goals. Then I will start on the art journal entry. Usually I draw dishes, snacks that I ate + things that I find interesting. (Like books I'm reading, washi tapes and pens I got recently.)
I enjoy doing a weekly page more since I can see my entire week on 1 page spread and I get to treat my journal entries as a layout exercise. Experiment on how to arrange different elements on a page to create more pleasing layouts. It is like learning and playing at the same time!
Material I used: Tachikawa School G Pen + Van Gogh watercolor pocket box. Paper is just plain paper, not really suitable for watercolor.
Click photos to enlarge. Enjoy and have a good week!

Thursday 19 February 2015

{ Art on Tape #1 }

Wanna share some of the most beautiful masking tapes I've ever seen! These are designed and illustrated by a group of talented artists. So decided to call these "Art on Tape". Enjoy :D
P.S. I made up the names for these tapes since they don't have English titles.
Magician's Laboratory. - I love the blue tone of this tape. Feather + Stars + Notebooks = Magic!
Sakura in Nara. - I love Nara and always associate sakura + deer with Nara. (My obsession with Japan...?!)
Vintage Steampunk. - Love the vintage feel of this.
I will post more photos of my washi / masking tape collection here. (and very soon too! Since I got a few more recently :D) Take Care!