My 101 Goals update.
Looking at my health track list:
I finished my 1st No Candy Month. I think I'm OK with it since I only ate candy a few times during August. Almost all happened when I was really hungry. (I usually get a headache when I have not ate lunch and work late.) So the lesson I learnt is :1) NOT to skip lunch! 2) Keep some healthy snack/fruit around so if I do skip lunch, I can still eat something healthy.
I failed many of my health goals: such as oil, meditation, fruit, Green Monday, grateful journal. I need some way to make me stick to these goals. I did poorly at the end of August since I had to travel. (If you have any suggestions for staying motivated, PLEASE let me know!!!!! )
My other 101 Goals:
1st No Candy Month - August 2014. (Finished!) I think I will eat less candy from now on.
My 30 Rubber Stamps 30 Day Project. (Finished!)
This Week I would focus on:
My 30 Watercolor 30 Day Project.
Submitted work for a competition in September.
Watched Ted Videos.
Still working on my historical sites Hong Kong List.
Still working on my Emergency ID Bag, need to put C's things into it as well.
Still going through the closets to clear out clothes for donation.
Finish 1 design freelance job.
Astine Product Brainstorm.
Working on my portfolio.
Look up new dishes to cook.
Make 1 new Dessert at home.
Organize my Dessert recipes.
Most Important:
Set up a 101 Goals List reference page in my planner. I think one of the reasons I'm not finishing some of my easy goals on the list is because I FORGOT about them. Sure I have them on the web, but I'm just not the kind of person who keeps looking at the smartphone. So I'm going to print them and stick them in my planner. The same goes for my Green Monday and my appointment to go to see my chinese medicine doctor. I will mark them onto my monthly schedule right after I finish writing up this blog post so I will remember them!!!!!!!
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